Well for my voice students, it gives them a way to perform and get feedback from a qualified judge. Jazz Pop Festival and Gold Cup are great for them. It helps them get used to performing in front of a judge or audience so they can be better prepared for auditions or school competitions. Plus they don’t often get a chance to be rewarded for their vocal skills, so the ribbons and trophy’s are a big accomplishment for them. It shows them they can succeed with using their vocal talents without having to audition for something like American Idol. So I’m thankful to be a part of a group that can offer that to them 🙂

It gives our students a chance to participate in various genres of festivals:  Jazz, Romantic, Sonatina, and of course Gold Cup.

At GCMA meetings, I have enjoyed exchanging ideas with other piano teachers as well as entering my students in the festivals during the year, which motivate them to practice for performances. I also credit GCMA for helping to increase my studio size.

It is important for me to belong to a professional organization and to join with other piano teachers in order to improve my teaching. GCMA has organized programs that inspire students and give them incentives to perfect their playing.

It’s good for the parents to have sort of a double check on how well they are progressing.. Like the test at the end of each level– kids like being rewarded with certificates and ribbons, working toward a cup. When it comes from the National level, it appears to be more  Impressive, especially to the  parent–adds to the credibility of the teacher.

I think the Gold Cup Festival has been the most popular event in my Studio.   They love it and most of them also want to go to the State Festival each year in May. Our Theory Test program makes better musicians out of everyone.

Provides numerous performing opportunities for our students.

The main reason I joined is because my students can participate in festivals like gold cup. 🙂

I joined GCMA with the intention of building my credibility by being a member of a professional organization. What I got was far more. I learned how to be a better music teacher by first listening to others and absorbing what was said at the meetings. They offered workshops which were instrumental to my ongoing education. I helped with a couple festivals, but didn’t enter students until I realized my students were just as talented as the ones I saw perform. Once I started entering students and becoming more involved, my studio just blossomed. Word of mouth became the only source of advertising. I had a waiting list. Parents were delighted to have numerous adjudicated performance opportunities for their children in addition to my recitals. Teaching became fun, challenging, motivating.  A win win situation if you ask me. I would recommend GCMA to any music teacher wishing to own a successful music studio.

I was able to network with other teachers, and I learned a great deal from more experienced colleagues.

For me, it’s all about sense of community, one of the primary functions of music in life according to anthropologists. Pianists and piano students have a lot of work to do alone, so they need opportunities to come together and feel a part of something bigger. The Festivals provide that for the students, and the activities of the association provide it for the teachers.